LADM country profiles development: aspects to be reflected and considered

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The wider recognition and use of ISO 19152 LADM Edition I, is mainly documented through the country profiles that have been developed in multiple jurisdictions across the world. Various approaches for developing country profiles have been followed, without acting in accordance with a specific (official or unofficial) roadmap or methodology. This has resulted in an interesting mosaic of country profiles, which at the same time, highlights the need to outline the basic steps that need to be followed in order to develop a country profile. Currently, the revision of the LADM Edition I is ongoing, and the discussion for the development, maintenance and update of the existing and future LADM-based country profiles has been initiated. Therefore, it is considered a good timing to address the experience gained from the developed country profiles and introduce methodological steps for the development of country profiles.

This paper reflects on the country profiles that have been developed so far, identifying similarities and discrepancies on the path followed, bearing in mind the scope and objective of the development of those profiles and their level of maturity, also conforming to the land registration system and national jurisdiction. Thus, the paper is separated in three main parts: the first part that introduces the LADM revision and its scope, reflects on the existing country profiles and outlines the components of the proposed methodology. The second part presents an LADM-based country profile for Malaysia, as an example application of the proposed methodology. Finally, the last part is dedicated to the discussion, conclusions and proposals for future steps in the context of LADM revision.