Towards understanding the impact of the evanescent elastodynamic mode coupling in Marchenko equation-based demultiple methods

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Marchenko equation-based methods promise data-driven, true-amplitude internal multiple elimination. The method is exact in 1-D acoustic media, however it needs to be expanded to account for the presence of 2- and 3-D elastodynamic wave-field phenomena, such as compressional (P) to shear (S) mode conversions, total reflections or evanescent waves. Mastering high waveform-fidelity methods such as this, could further advance amplitude vs offset analysis and lead to improved reservoir characterization. This method-expansion may comprise of re-evaluating the underlying assumptions and/or appending the scheme with additional constraints (e.g. minimum phase). To do that, one may need to better understand the construction of the Marchenko equation solutions, the so-called focusing functions, in a mathematically simple and numerically stable fashion. The latter could be a challenge at large angles of incidence where the elastodynamic effects and evanescent waves start playing a dominant role. We demonstrate that the elastodynamic focusing functions are the bridge between the Marchenko equation theory and the transfer matrix formalism. Using the latter, we show how we can try to gain further insights into how time-reversal (correlations) behaves when either of the elastic modes becomes evanescent. We also show how this construction allows us to shed light on into the mathematical properties of elastodynamic inverse transmissions, which takes us a step closer towards understanding the elastodynamic minimum phase reconstruction.
