Multimode damping with activated metamaterials

Hexagonal patterned flexure with integrated piezo elements for active damping

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High Tech industry is looking to push the bounds of what is possible, this requires machines that run with ever increasing speed and precision for longer amount of time under progressively more hostile environments. These requirements necessitate the use of compliant mechanisms/flexures instead of traditional rigid body counterparts. However, as these flexures are pushed to operate at ever higher speeds, high frequency modes affect precision and hence require better damping. Currently active damping relies on a single or small amount of actuators which makes their placement for multimode damping inefficient. To this end, the MetaMech project was created which aims to combine the disciplines of mechatronics and metamaterials to create flexures with integrated cells housing sensors, active and passive dampers in optimal positions and orientations. This will enable more efficient placement and orientation of dampers, reducing the force and thus the size and weight needed to damp the system. This thesis takes the first step in this direction and is concerned with developing the first prototype demonstrator of a metamaterial flexure with integrated damping using currently available technology. The presentation will cover the design, Finite Element Analysis and practical tests of a hexagonal patterned metamaterial flexure with integrated piezo patches. It also presents the design and finite element analysis of a more advanced hexagonal cell able to exert force in three different directions. The results provide proof of concept for the MetaMech project with insights for future work.