Trade-off Analysis between Security and Efficiency of Airport Operations

A methodological underpinned modelling approach to identify, analyse and evaluate trade-offs based on empirical choice observations

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This Master Thesis document presents a research on trade-off analysis between security and efficiency factors during airport operations. Over the past few decades there has been an increase in security in the air transportation industry, with even more measures taken since 9/11. Besides affecting the operational costs of airports, the stricter controls also have been having an impact on the efficiency of the operations. Although that security and efficiency factors influence each other and on a frequent basis are being compared and considered in combination to take airport security operational decisions, the trade-offs made in order to take such decisions are not fully explicit. In order to make these security and efficiency trade-offs (which these decisions are based on) more explicit; a trade-off analysis formalized by Discrete Choice Modelling was conducted. Based on this analysis; implications were provided to evaluate, by the means of Agent-based Modelling, the effects of security and efficiency trade-offs made by airport security screeners on the operations of airports.