Application of Green's Functions to Self-Gravitating and Rotating Planets

and Modelling the Gravitational Field of the Earth

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A model is designed for solving gravitational profiles of self-gravitating and rotating planets via the use of Poisson's equation for total gravity, i.e., the sum of the gravitational and rotational potential. Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation that is solved with the usage of Green's functions. This is a major advantage because Earth's surface is an equipotential, which leads to a Dirichlett boundary condition. We apply this methodology to a spherical Earth, where the Green's function is closed. It is demonstrated that, when this Green’s functions based methodology is applied to a homogeneous density, a linear spherical density and the PREM density profiles (where all density profiles are spherically symmetric), then discontinuities occur in the accelerationof gravitation across the surface of the Earth, in the range of 0.01 %- 0.13 %. Such an effect is a symptom of incompatibility with the laws of physics for geostaticalequilibrium, and it is certainly significant as compared to the numerical accuracy of the solution. Moreover, the discrepancy is dependent on geographical latitude, as was to be expected, because it somehow reflects the centrifugal effect. The conclusion is made that this method is indeed capable of detecting, and even quantifying, the incompatibility of spherically symmetric mass distributions with the fundamental laws of physics for self-gravitating and rotating planets. This opens a way -and this is one of the main results- to computing corrections to spherically symmetric mass distributions, such as the PREM model. Based on this method, a further way forward to this end is suggested.