
20 records found

Active particles in one dimension

Asymptotic behaviour and collective dynamics

In this thesis, we study the asymptotic behaviour and the dynamics of a one-dimensional active particle model with excluded volume interactions. The model is a version of run-and-tumble motion, where a particle performs both symmetric random walks and active transport. The direct ...

Optimal here and now decisions of multi stage robust optimisation

Optimale hier en nu beslissingen in multi stadia robuuste optimalisatie

Robust optimisation is shown to be extremely important in a wide range of applications including real life. Many research projects are dedicated to this relatively young and active research field and show the significant value of robust optimisation. Since many researchers have d ...
Level-set percolation on the Discrete Gaussian Free Field (DGFF) turned out to be a hot topic within mathematical physics over the last couple of years. In particular, the DGFF on Z^d , with homogeneously weighted nearest-neighbour interactions, i.e. all conductances equal to 1, ...

Application of Green's Functions to Self-Gravitating and Rotating Planets

And Modelling the Gravitational Field of the Earth

A model is designed for solving gravitational profiles of self-gravitating and rotating planets via the use of Poisson's equation for total gravity, i.e., the sum of the gravitational and rotational potential. Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation that is solved w ...

Irrationaliteit van ζ(3)

Een toepassing van Padé-benaderingen

Dit verslag behandelt een bewijs gegeven door Apéry (1977) dat ζ(3) een irrationaal getal moet zijn. Voor even waarden van de Riemann-Zéta functie kennen we de uitkomst. Echter is het zo dat die voor de meeste oneven waarden niet algebraïsch bepaald zijn. Een vraag die dus onbean ...
In this thesis the behaviour of a Bose Einstein condensate is explored that consists of bosons that annihilate. In order to do this a system where bose einstein condensation occurs is modeled as a Zero Range process which is a special case of a Markov process. First we made a sin ...

Relating Modified Newtonian Dynamics to Dark matter

Application to a Virgo-like Galaxy cluster

In this thesis Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is explored in galaxy clusters similar to the Virgo cluster. MOND is a theory proposed to explain the flat rotation curves of galaxies and the velocities of galaxies within galaxy clusters, as an alternative to the Dark Matter (DM ...

Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients

A Quantum Mechanical and Mathematical Perspective

In this work, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are studied from both a quantum mechanical and a mathematical perspective. In quantum mechanics, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients arise when two quantum systems with a certain angular momentum are combined and the total angular momentum is to ...

Non-imaging optics

Using Laplacian magic windows and Zernike polynomials

In this report a semi-analytic solution to the Laplacian magic window is proposed. The Laplacian magic window is a term recently introduced in 2017[2]. When a uniform wavefront hits a refractive surface, it creates an illumination distribution behind the surface. When the curvatu ...
In this thesis, we derive a multivariate analogue of Ruijsenaars’s 2F1-generalisation R. We use Hopf algebra representation theory of the modular double of sl.2/, a Hopf algebra structure strongly related to quantum groups, to relate the function R to overlap coefficients of eige ...

Variational Quantum Algorithms

For Optimizing Probe States

As quantum computers are developing, they are beginning to become useful for practical applications, for example in the field of quantum metrology. In this work, a variational quantum algorithm is used to find an optimal probe state for measuring parameters in a noisy environment ...

Exploring the potential of wavelets

In the field of image processing

This research consists of two applications of image processing, namely, image compression and image denoising. Image compression aims to reduce the size of an image without losing too many features. This is often used to store a large number of images such as fingerprints. Denois ...

Orthogonality relations of q-Meixner polynomials

With the use of spectral analysis

Orthogonality relations of q-Meixner polynomials, polynomials in terms of basic hypergeometric series, will be proved by using spectral measures and a difference operator.

Plastic litter in the ocean

Modeling of the vertical transport of micro plastics in the ocean

Plastic pollution is a big problem all over the world. Every year more plastic is produced, a lot of plastic litter is mismanaged and enters the ocean. It’s important to know where these plastics accumulate. With this information the problem can be quantified and the plastic litt ...
Algebras are vector spaces with a bilinear product. When we fix a finite dimension n and a finite field K with q elements, there are a finite number of non-isomorphic algebras. Seeing as vector spaces are completely determined by the dimension and scalar field, the number of non- ...
Deriving the location of the maximum of a Brownian Motion with downward quadratic drift. Proving it is welldefined then finding an algorithmic method to simplify expressions of the moments.
De Wilson- en Racahpolynomen zijn hypergeometrische orthogonale polynomen die helemaal bovenaan staan in het Askey-schema. Deze polynomen zijn de meest algemene hypergeometrische orthogonale polynomen in één variabele en generaliseren de andere hypergeometrische orthogonale polyn ...
In this thesis the CRISPR-Cas9 mechanism, a promising mechanism for geneediting, is considered. Closed form expressions are derived for the probability and time to cleave or unbind for the associated Cas9 protein. The mechanism can be modelled mathematically by a birth and death ...
This thesis presents an insight in the Riemann zeta function and the prime number theorem at an undergraduate mathematical level. The main goal is to construct an explicit formula for the prime counting function and to prove the prime number theorem using the zeta function and a ...
With the rapid development of Quantum Computers (QC) and QC Simulators, there will be an increased demand for functioning Quantum Algorithms in the near future. Some of the most ubiquitously useful algorithms are solvers for linear systems of equations. Since the conception of th ...