The Effects of Heuristic Optimisations on Planning Algorithms Within Cooperative AI

Cooperative Planning in Overcooked

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Cooperative AI is AI designed to cooperate with humans. One example of such an AI, made using planning algorithms, was studied in a paper from 2019 which used a simplified version of the video game Overcooked for evaluation. However, only limited evaluations were possible due to the long runtime and heuristic optimisations made. This paper will attempt to increase the amount of evaluations while removing an important optimisation limiting the functionality of the AI: the omission of counters. In the end it will find ways of reducing the runtime and increasing performance, which together allow for the addition of counters in a few instances. The final results with counters suggest there is more to gain upon removal of a select few heuristic optimisations and improvement of the human behavioural clone used to simulate a human.