Regaining Control

Designing the Schluss User Experience

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The goal of the assignment was to:
Design a high-quality User Experience and User Interface for the Schluss personal data vault.

This user experience should be hands-on, transparent, intuitive and clear. The user interface should feel extremely private, secure and trusted, whilst containing all the data that Schluss users need or want to track.

In order to depict the user experience, a more practical deliverable is needed: 
A functional user interface prototype for the Schluss data vault.

What has been done? 
The design process consisted of three stages: 
1. Validate Schluss’ value propositions. 
2. Design the user interface. 
3. Evaluate and redesign the user interface. 

1. Validate value propositions
Before starting with the design, a value proposition validation has been done, for which four value propositions are distilled from information about Schluss, context and comparable services. These were the propositions:  
Schluss enables its users to...
... have a better ensured/protected privacy. 
... share data easily. 
... manage consent easily. 
... have all data correct for all data users easily. 

These values have all been validated positively with a survey, where the participants were first shown the different possibilities with Schluss.

2. Design the user interface
After validating that users see value in Schluss’ propositions, it was time to design a corresponding user interface. For the design Schluss has been separated into three core functionalities:
1. Logging in with Schluss at third party data users
2. Updating your information in the Schluss vault. 
3. Managing consent in a Schluss dashboard and receiving notifications about consent. 
Designs and functional prototypes are made for every functionality in the form of a Mobile Application and a Desktop Dashboard

3. Evaluate and redesign part of the user interface. 
The first functionality is evaluated. I think this is the most important part, because Schluss has yet to be introduced to consumers and this is the functionality that consumers see first. Most onboarding will happen through this functionality. This is the reason that this functionality - in this stage of Schluss - needed most attention.