Local Food, Lower Footprint

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In recent years the need for action against climate change has severely grown. Action is needed now and circularity can help to make sectors more sustainable. The agri-food sector plays a big role in this, as we need three times the surface area of our country to support the needs of the inhabitants.The agri-food sector is putting too much pressure on space and resources and this pressure will only increase as the population continues to grow. However, by creating spaces that are used more efficiently this pressure can be reduced while also providing for a growing population.Decreasing the pressure of the agrifood sector on space and resources will lead to a drastically new South Holland in 2050. To achieve this new South Holland, research will be done on several aspects. First the current situation needs to be analysed. Furthermore, research is needed on possible interventions and the future implications of these interventions. After extensive research is done, a vision of 2050 can be formulated:By 2050, both the land and the sea are used in a space-efficient way, reducing the (carbon-) footprint of the province and providing more food for its own population. Buying and eating local food have encouraged people to become more aware of the process and where the food comes from. This has resulted in a shift in diet and the inefficient space for cattle farms is reduced.This conversion provides space for nature, housing and agriculture while also leaving room for the plans of the next generation. By reducing the meat and the dairy industry, space opens up for more nature and some small scale housing in the green heart. To replace the loss of dietary protein, the province makes a shift towards seaweed and aquaculture. More circularity is achieved through the use of “waste” streams of the harbour, horticulture, arable farming and the meat and dairy industry