Surrogate DC Microgrid Models for Optimization of Charging Electric Vehicles under Partial Observability

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Many electric vehicles (EVs) are using today’s distribution grids, and their flexibility can be highly beneficial for the grid operators. This flexibility can be best exploited by DC power networks, as they allow charging and discharging without extra power electronics and transformation losses. From the grid control perspective, algorithms for planning EV charging are necessary. This paper studies the problem of EV charging planning under limited grid capacity and extends it to the partially observable case. We demonstrate how limited information about the EV locations in a grid may disrupt the operation planning in DC grids with tight constraints. We introduce two methods to change the grid topology such that partial observability of the EV locations is resolved. The suggested models are evaluated on the IEEE 16 bus system and multiple randomly generated grids with varying capacities. The experiments show that these methods efficiently solve the partially observable EV charging planning problem and offer a trade-off between computational time and performance.