
20 records found

Aggregation of energy consumption forecasts across spatial levels

Using CNN-LSTM forecasts of lower spatial levels to forecast on higher spatial levels

Bottom up load forecasting, is a technique where energy consumption forecasts are made on lower spatial levels, after which the resulting forecasts are aggregated to form forecasts of higher spatial levels. With the current move to renewable energy sources and the importance of r ...

Domain-Knowledge-Driven Explainable Product Quality Prediction

Using prior knowledge to improve explanations of quality prediction models

Explainable artificial intelligence has in recent years allowed us to investigate how many machine learning methods are creating its predictions. This is especially useful in scenarios where the goal is not to predict a variable, but to explain what influences that variable. Howe ...

Support for Human Planners

Scheduling and Visualisation

West IT Solutions is expanding into a new focus area, ”Smart Planning”. They want to develop new modules for the Enterprise Resource Planning software they resell, Odoo. Odoo allows companies to manage their projects, employees and other resources. The goal of this project was to ...

When DICE meets the dice

Integrated Economic and Climate Assessment under Uncertainty

With the decision made to act upon climate change, the remaining question is: "How?". Economic theory suggests that the most efficient method is by means of market-based policies. These policies are often designed based on Integrated Assessment Models like DICE, which is the subj ...
As traffic demands are ever increasing and building new infrastructure poses challenges in densely populated areas, it is important to optimally utilise existing infrastructure. Short-term traffic forecasting can help with this task, as its predictions can help to prevent congest ...


A privacy-first data wallet for the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure

The European Union is on course for introducing a European Digital Identity that will be available to all EU citizens and businesses. This will have a huge impact on how citizens and businesses interact online. Big Tech companies currently dictate how digital identities are used. ...

Efficient Shapley Value Approximation Methods

For Cost Redistribution in Energy Communities

With the emergence of energy communities, where a number of prosumers (consumers with their own energy generation) invest in shared renewable generation capacity and battery storage, the issue of fair allocation of benefits and costs has become increasingly important. The Shapley ...

Decentralized Optimal Power Flow for Low Voltage DC grids

An algorithm for online optimization on a physical environment

The DC Optimal Power Flow (DC-OPF) problem is a widely-studied topic in the field of power systems. A solution to the problem consists of minimizing the running costs of the power system, through defining the optimal operating state for each entity in the system, while adhering t ...
Computational efficiency is essential for large-scale mathematical optimisation problems, such as the generation expansion planning problem, to be practically applicable. In linear programming solvers, crossover is frequently a bottleneck when solving optimisation problems. This ...

Graph convolution reinforcement learning for active wake control in windfarms

Application of a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm

Wind energy, generated by windfarms, is playing an increasingly critical role in meeting current and future energy demands. windfarms, however, face a challenge due to the inherent flaw of wake-induced power losses when turbines are located in close proximity. Wakes, characterize ...
Decision-tree evaluation is a widely-used classification approach known for its simplicity and effectiveness. Decision-tree models are shown to be helpful in classifying instances of fraud, malware, or diseases and can be used to make dynamic, flexible access decisions within an ...

One model, denoise them all!

A Comprehensive Investigation of Denoising Transfer Learning

Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved current state-of-the-art in image denoising, but require large datasets for training. Their performance remains limited on smaller real-noise datasets. In this paper, we investigate robust deep learning denoising using trans ...

Flexibility trading for aggregators of electrical vehicles within the Universal Smart Energy Framework

A research on trading flexibility in a USEF compliant market at distribution level for aggregators of electrical vehicles

Increased use of the distribution grid due to the uptake of distributed energy resources and the expected penetrations of Electrical Vehicles (EVs) could lead to congestion problems in the distribution grid. Congestion refers to issues related to the overheating of components or ...

Applying QMIX to Active Wake Control

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

When multiple wind turbines are positioned close to one another, such as in a wind farm, wind turbines located downwind of other turbines are not 100% efficient due to wakes, negatively affecting the total power output of the wind farm. A way to mitigate the loss of power is to s ...

Aggregation and Prediction of Energy Consumption Data

What is the Aggregatino Level at which a Graph Neural Network Performs Optimally?

Electrical load forecasting, namely short-term load forecasting, is essential to power grids’ safe and efficient operations. The need for accurate short-term load forecasting becomes increasingly pressing with increased renewable energy sources, which are stochastic in their powe ...

Sailing the Wind: Evaluating the Impact of COMA on Multi-Agent Active Wake Control in Wind Farms

What is the effect of COMA on the problem of AWC compared to single-agent RL algorithms?

The close proximity of wind turbines to one another in a wind farm can lead to inefficiency in terms of power production due to wake effects. One technique to mitigate the losses is to veer from their individual optimal direction. As such, the wakes can be steered away from downs ...

Partial Hierarchy Appliance Modelling In Household Energy Consumption

Utilizing ARMA based methods to improve the prediction of household energy consumption

The ever-evolving power grid is becoming smarter and smarter. Modern houses come with smart meters and energy conscious consumers will buy additional smart meters to place in their home to help monitor their energy consumption. This new smart technology also opens the door to mor ...

One-Class Classification

For high-dimensional data

This M.Sc. thesis report investigates the application of one-class classification techniques to complex high-dimensional data. The aim of a one-class classifier is to separate target data from non-target data, but only a dataset containing target data is available for training. T ...

Improving the Generalisability of Deep Learning NILM Algorithms using One-Shot Transfer Learning

Can one-shot transfer learning be leveraged to enhance the performance of a CNN-based NILM algorithm on unseen data?

Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) is a technique used to disaggregate household power consumption data into individual appliance components without the need for dedicated meters for each appliance. This paper focuses on improving the generalizability of NILM algorithms to unse ...
Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is a well-researched concept that aims to provide insights into individual appliance energy usage without the need for dedicated meters. This paper explores the possibility of applying the NILM concept to disaggregate energy data from a commun ...