R.A. Verzijlbergh

39 records found

A variety of wind farm control strategies exist in order to reduce unfavorable wake effects in large wind farms. While strategies like wake steering already reached a high maturity level, it is interesting to compare them to more recently proposed strategies. Such a comparison ca ...
As a consequence of the rapid growth of the globally installed offshore wind energy capacity, the size of individual wind farms is increasing. This poses a challenge to models that predict energy production. For instance, the current generation of wake models has mostly been cali ...
The development of new wind farm control strategies can benefit from combined analysis of flow dynamics in the farm and the behavior of individual turbines within one simulation environment. In this work, we present such an environment by developing a new coupling between the lar ...
The performance of wind farms can substantially increase when their individual turbines deviate from their own greedy control strategy and instead also take into account downstream turbines operating in the wake. The helix approach is a recently introduced dynamic wind farm contr ...

Incorporating indirect costs into energy system optimization models

Application to the Dutch national program Regional Energy Strategies

Energy system optimization models are widely used to aid long-term investment decision-making for energy systems. From a socio-technical system viewpoint, existing models focus on the cost modeling of the technical subsystem, while the indirect costs of the social subsystem are n ...
Wind farms suffer from so-called wake effects: when turbines are located in the wind shadows of other turbines, their power output is substantially reduced. These losses can be partially mitigated via actively changing the yaw from the individually optimal direction. Most existin ...

Demand response

For congestion management or for grid balancing?

The growing capacity of intermittent energy sources causes more frequent system imbalances as well as congestion. Demand flexibility is a valuable resource that can be used to resolve these. Unfortunately, flexibility can also contribute to congestion, particularly when used to b ...
As we are transitioning to an energy system based on renewable sources, the atmosphere is becoming one of our primary energy sources. Understanding atmospheric flows through wind farms has become an issue of large economic and societal concern.@en
Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) are characterized by intensive land-use and variable production. In existing optimization models that minimize the total cost of the energy system, location-specific VRES production profiles are often used to estimate VRES potential, but l ...
Price volatility in electricity markets could significantly increase as a result of the increase in demand due to the electrification of heating and transport and intermittent power generation from large scale integration of renewable energy sources. In some parts of the grid, pr ...
This paper reviews the literature on the modeling approaches on decentralized energy investment and operation in the prosumer era. The study has several contributions. Firstly, it adds investment models into the review which have not been previously reviewed for decentralized ene ...
Recently, given the increased integration of renewables and growing uncertainty in demand, the wholesale market price has become highly volatile. Energy communities connected to the main electricity grid may be exposed to this increasing price volatility. Additionally, they may a ...
Accurate short-term power forecasts are crucial for the reliable and efficient integration of wind energy in power systems and electricity markets. Typically, forecasts for hours to days ahead are based on the output of numerical weather prediction models, and with the advance of ...
Locational Marginal Price (LMP) is a dual variable associated with supply-demand matching and represents the cost of delivering power to a particular location if the load at that location increases. In recent times it become more volatile due to increased integration of renewable ...
Infinite-horizon non-stationary Markov decision processes provide a general framework to model many real-life decision-making problems, e.g., planning equipment maintenance. Unfortunately, these problems are notoriously difficult to solve, due to their infinite dimensionality. Of ...
The large-scale integration of renewables to the electrical grid is resulting in the increase of price volatility in electricity markets. This increase is undesirable from both electricity producer and consumer perspectives. In this paper, we present a framework that allows consu ...
Recently, the volatility associated with marginal prices has increased due to large scale integration of renewable generation. Price volatility is undesirable from a consumer perspective. To address this issue, we present a framework for hedging that uses duality theory for quant ...
To ensure security of supply and incentivize reliable investment in generation capacity, capacity markets (CMs) have been implemented or are being considered. However, demand response (DR) and electrical energy storage (EES) also contribute to system adequacy. In this paper, we a ...
We present a systematic review of the challenges to the regulation of electricity markets that are posed by the integration of variable renewable energy sources. System integration is the key to developing the required flexibility, because flexibility options exist at all system ...