E. Taschner


4 records found

The development of new wind farm control strategies can benefit from combined analysis of flow dynamics in the farm and the behavior of individual turbines within one simulation environment. In this work, we present such an environment by developing a new coupling between the lar ...
The performance of wind farms can substantially increase when their individual turbines deviate from their own greedy control strategy and instead also take into account downstream turbines operating in the wake. The helix approach is a recently introduced dynamic wind farm contr ...
In most current offshore wind farms, the turbines are controlled greedily, neglecting any coupling by wake effects with other turbines. By neglecting these effects of aerodynamic interactions, the power production performance is substantially reduced. Besides the well-known wake ...
A variety of wind farm control strategies exist in order to reduce unfavorable wake effects in large wind farms. While strategies like wake steering already reached a high maturity level, it is interesting to compare them to more recently proposed strategies. Such a comparison ca ...


1 records found

The development of offshore wind technology has progressed rapidly since the first offshore wind farm came to birth in 1991. During the last three decades, offshore wind has become an economically attractive option of renewable energy source for many countries to fulfill their co ...