
6 records found

Aggregator's business models in residential and service sectors

A review of operational and financial aspects

Flexibility coming from consumers in residential and service sectors has received significant attention to deal with uncertainty and variability of renewable energy sources. Since these consumers are too small individually to participate in the electricity markets, their assets c ...

Incorporating indirect costs into energy system optimization models

Application to the Dutch national program Regional Energy Strategies

Energy system optimization models are widely used to aid long-term investment decision-making for energy systems. From a socio-technical system viewpoint, existing models focus on the cost modeling of the technical subsystem, while the indirect costs of the social subsystem are n ...

Infrastructure network design with a multi-model approach

Comparing geometric graph theory with an agent-based implementation of an ant colony optimization

Network infrastructures, such as roads, pipelines or the power grid face a multitude of challenges, from organizational and use changes, to climate change and resource scarcity. These challenges require the adaptation of existing infrastructures or their complete new development. ...

Aggregator-mediated demand response

Minimizing imbalances caused by uncertainty of solar generation

The high level of uncertainty of renewable energy sources generation creates differences between electricity supply and demand, endangering the reliable operation of the power system. Demand response has gained significant attention as a means to cope with uncertainty of renewabl ...
This paper develops theoretical foundations for extending Gauss-Hermite quadrature to robust design with computer experiments. When the proposed method is applied with m noise variables, the method requires 4m + 1 function evaluations. For situations in which the polynomial res ...

Aggregator's business models

Challenges faced by different roles

Aggregators are considered essential to obtain flexibility from small residential and service sector consumers. They can implement business models by trading flexibility from their consumers' assets in various electricity markets. The aim of this paper is to identify challenges f ...


14 records found

As the share of solar and wind in the energy mix increases, the inherent intermittency of these energy sources pose a great challenge for the Dutch power grid. The occurrence of problems with congestion and balancing power supply and demand are becoming more common. Companies in ...

Regional electricity distribution systems

Designing the future electricity grids of the Netherlands

During the next few decades, a significant increase in the use of intermittent renewable energy sources is expected in the Netherlands as well as a general increase in electricity consumption. Due to the increased demand as well as a more uncertain, volatile supply, substantial u ...

Distribution Network Design

An Empirical Study in General Electric Healthcare Service Parts Delivery Network

A distribution network design is of importance to systematically organize the flow of products from supply points to demand points. A distribution network is not only crucial before sales but also after sales because regardless of the initial quality of product, malfunctions occu ...

Household mobility post-crisis

Examining the impact of macroeconomic and institutional developments on household mobility in the Netherlands

Policy reforms in response to the crisis were initially expected to dampen future house price increases. Instead, the Dutch owner-occupied housing market has overheated not even five years after its recovery. As this could indicate a structural change in the housing demand of hou ...

The Hybrid Power Plant

Optimal design and operation of battery energy storage as an addition to onshore wind farms in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, wind power has the highest potential for future development compared to alternatives such as solar PV and biomass. The intermittent nature of the wind power resource calls for novel approaches to supply and demand management, as well as power quality assurance ...

Optimizing district heating networks: Exploring the solution space

Transporting geothermal energy to consumers in Delft

Society is facing a huge challenge in switching the energy sectors dependence on fossil fuels into an energy sector using mostly renewable energy sources. The switch towards using more sustainable energy sources is known as the energy transition. The goal of the energy transition ...

Traversing obstacles

Designing energy infrastructure networks in a geographical cost-differentiated context

The decarbonization of economies around the world is crucial for reducing the impact of human-induced climate change. Many proposed means to achieve this decarbonization like the electrification of various sectors or the introduction of ‘new’ forms of energy such as hydrogen and ...
Freight transport is a crucial component of our society and economy. However, achieving sustainability in this sector is complex, due to a lack of incentives among stakeholders. The heavy-duty road transport sector is struggling to meet European emission standards. To address thi ...

Sector coupling and batteries as flexibility options in the 2050 renewable power system

An assessment of North West Europe and the Netherlands with the IRENA FlexTool

To meet the goal of the European Union of becoming climate neutral in 2050, the Netherlands and North West Europe will integrate more and more variable renewable energy sources (VRE) into their power system. The uncertain weather conditions on which the VRE are dependent, will in ...

Optimal design of multi-energy systems with high shares of renewable energy sources

A linear-programming approach for integrating electricity, heating, and hydrogen sectors in multi-energy systems

The large-scale integration of variable renewable energy sources (VRES) brings about challenges related to the stochastic characteristics in supply. In this light, a recent and promising approach which has received increasing attention is that of multi-energy systems (MES). A MES ...

David and the vegetable factory

A Two-stage Optimization Model for Generating a Vegetable Factory's Facility Layout Using the Gradient Descent Approach

In this thesis a two-stage model is proposed, combining the idea of a two-stage model from Anjos and Vieira [1] with a gradient descent approach, much like proposed in Sikaroudi and Shahanaghi [42], in order to solve the facility layout problem for problems consisting of 8 and 12 ...

Repurposing Natural Gas Infrastructure for Hydrogen Transmission

Development of a network optimisation model for finding minimum cost networks that utilise existing infrastructure

Societal concern is growing regarding the effect fossil energy use has on our planet and societies. Many promising sustainable energy solutions, like hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, and district heating, require long-distance distribution and transmission through networked ...
The Indonesian government has set a target to increase new and renewable energy sources in the energy mix by 23% in 2030 and 31% in 2050, which are to be met by investing in hydropower and geothermal energy capacity mainly. However, Indonesia has abundant other renewable energy p ...
This research explores the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the logistics of bulk-liquid transportation, specifically within Heineken Netherlands’ operations, using a two-echelon network. This study is pivotal as it aligns with global moves towards zero-emission regula ...