
20 records found

The transition to data-driven risk based regulation on the continuity of public telecommunication networks and services

Identifying the technical and organizational requirements for data-driven risk based regulation

The continuous innovation within the telecommunications industry is compounded by changing risks for the consumer. This is the case within the Netherlands, where the use of the internet has a pervasive influence on society, necessitating robust telecommunication networks and serv ...
More than 200 million Indians are without electricity, and the majority lies in the rural areas, where the central grid fails to reach due to unreliable distribution and inconsistent terrain. The solutions that reach include majorly, decentralized energy resources via solar micro ...
Increasingly companies are facing tough challenges due to fast paced technological developments, shortening product life cycles and new forms of business models. Therefore innovating is crucial for companies to stay competitive and enter new markets. Large corporations have diffi ...

Impact and response to local dynamics for climate adaptation investments

An agent-based modelling study combined with top-down climate scenarios to explore interventions for climate adaptation in developing countries, applied to the Dutch Development Bank’s cocoa investments in Ghana

Development Finance Institutions have been established to provide finance for long-term economic development in low and middle-income countries. However, these investments are exposed to climate-related risks. This means that Development Finance Institutions need to explore clima ...

Belief dynamics driven by social influence

A social practice-based model of belief adaption driven by intragroup interaction with application to transport mode choices

Agent-based modelling (ABM) is a widespread and commonly used technique for the understanding of social system behaviour. Despite ABM being a commonly used method for the analysis of complex social systems, simulated agents still can best be described as autistic before a specifi ...

Managing complexity of Digital Twin models

Development of NewMODE as a network theory approach to model decomposition

Modelling and simulation is at the heart of Digital Twin technology, which is revolutionising many industries. Organisations have access to legacy models that are too complex to maintain, preventing them from operationalising complex systems like Digital Twin. By creating an auto ...

A quantitative analysis of user participation in demand response in a future electricity network

An agent-based exploratory modelling study of price- and incentive-based interventions

In the future, the energy supply will primarily consist of energy from renewables, which makes energy producers and grid operators fear that grid security and reliability could be threatened. On top of a more fluctuating supply, energy demand is also expected to increase in the c ...

Outcome novelty in Exploratory Modellingand Analysis

A research into the value of novelty search for exploratory modelling

Novelty search is a state-of-the-art approach focusing on behavioural novelty, rewarding diverging, as opposed to pursuing static objectives. This is relevant for exploratory modelling and analysis, which focuses on exploration of model through open exploration or directed search ...

You Win Some You Ransom

Reconstructing the ransomware ecosystem using ground truth communication data of the Conti ransomware gang

Ransomware has evolved over the years, shifting from widespread attacks targeting individuals to focused attacks on businesses and agencies. These attacks are performed by ransomware gangs while establishing interaction within the ransomware ecosystem. In this thesis, the ransomw ...

Added value of Energy Storage Systems

A valuation model of ESS for industrial clusters

Energy storage systems (ESS) are expected to be one of the main pillars for a future renewable based power system. Since all sectors are electrifying and variable renewable energy (VRE) is being deployed more quickly than transmission and distribution operators are able to connec ...

Compound risk: when sudden-onset disasters coincide with COVID-19

Balancing the livelihood and the COVID-19 trajectory of rural communities in developing countries

During the battle against COVID-19, sudden-onset disasters keep happening. These two consecutive events are different in nature and sometimes ask for counter-productive policy interventions: where the epidemic can be contained by ensuring social distancing practices, reducing the ...
Research background Plastic debris in the environment consists primarily of plastic consumer waste. One of its leading causes is the lack of waste collection systems in developing countries. Actions need to be taken to overcome this issue, and Extended Producer Responsibility (EP ...

Understanding Population Movement Patterns after a Major Disaster

A case study of the effects of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti in 2016

Call Detail Record (CDR) data enables the analysis of human behaviour on a large scale and the information that it contains can be promising. Not only does it allow us to track the movements of many individuals throughout time, it uncovers patterns in a persons decision making pr ...

The Cargoloop

An economic feasibility study on a cargo application of the hyperloop in Europe

It is expected that the express delivery market will grow strongly in the coming years. This growth, however, is restricted by the shortage of express transportation capacity and is increasingly causing congestion. The transport sector is not only subject to this growing demand ...
Enhancing supply chain resilience is of vital importance in today’s business to manage and mitigate the risks, especially in the semiconductor industry challenged with long cycle times and short product life-cycles. Transferring production from a primary site to an alternative si ...

Machine Learning with Care

Introducing a Machine Learning Project Method

Worldwide, machine learning is increasingly used to achieve optimal analytics and outcomes in business and governmental organisations. However, it has become evident that structural guidance for creating machine learning projects is needed. Machine learning projects are dependent ...

The last airmile

Using inventory management and airport policies to reduce the constraints of bottlenecks on the airport relief chain

The frequency of occurrence and the size of natural disaster is increasing, with more people to beaffected in the coming years. The impact is huge, with major infrastructures being damaged andaccess to basic needs cut off for the disaster struck regions. The affected regions an ...

Do they really value your privacy?

An exploratory analysis of what can be learned about companies from their privacy statements

This master thesis explores to what degree information about a company's commitment to privacy can be extracted from a privacy statement. To do this, firstly a new database of more than 1500 privacy statements is created using Amazon Mechanical Turk. Next, 72 different aspects re ...

Governance of cybersecurity communities

Understanding threat intelligence sharing as a collective action problem through incentivization of the National Detection Network

Organizations benefit from improved cybersecurity threat detection capabilities if they share information in a community of their peers. However, organizations are unlikely to share the sensitive information that is most valuable as this poses individual risks. Information sharin ...

Self-Sovereign Identities for Scaling Up Cash Transfer Projects

Designing a blockchain based digital identity system

Situation: Information management enables humanitarian organizations to make adequate interventions based on timely, appropriate and trustworthy information. A crucial type of information are identities, because they can be used to assess vulnerability and efficiently manage aid ...