

6 records found

Humanitarian crises, such as the 2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic, challenge information management and thereby threaten the digital resilience of the responding organizations. Crisis information management (CIM) is characterised by the urgency to respond despite the uncertainty o ...

Sustainability indicators

Monitoring cross-county water cooperation in the Nzoia river basin, Kenya

Kenya Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) Impact Report indicates a stagnation in water coverage at 55 percent, for the last three years, contrary to the 2015 target of 80 percent. One main reason for the stagnation is weak cross-county cooperation between hydrologically int ...

Design for societal resilience

The risk evaluation diversity-aiding approach (RED-A)

The global impacts of disaster risks are on the rise. Moreover, evidence shows that the severity of damage will increase exponentially. In 2019, there were 395 natural disasters that caused 11,755 deaths. Literature and practice indicate that diversification of disaster risk mana ...

Cold chains, interrupted

The use of technology and information for decisions that keep humanitarian vaccines cool

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze how far technology and information enable, facilitate or support the planning and implementation decisions in humanitarian vaccine cold chains for vaccination campaigns. The authors specifically focus on three emerging technologies ...
Rumour is a collective emergent phenomenon with a potential for provoking a crisis. Modelling approaches have been deployed since five decades ago; however, the focus was mostly on epidemic behaviour of the rumours which does not take into account the differences between agents. ...

WeShareIt game

Strategic foresight for climate-change induced disaster risk reduction

Nile Basin policy makers, at all levels, are constantly making quick decisions to address emergencies. The decisions are made in the context of a complex, uncertain, ever-changing and highly volatile basin. However, for these decisions to take into account future uncertainties, l ...


14 records found

This research emerged from the need to improve the Netherlands’ contribution to international water and sanitation service delivery. Over the previous two decades these serviced were not found to be sufficient sustainable according to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2013). ...

The last airmile

Using inventory management and airport policies to reduce the constraints of bottlenecks on the airport relief chain

The frequency of occurrence and the size of natural disaster is increasing, with more people to beaffected in the coming years. The impact is huge, with major infrastructures being damaged andaccess to basic needs cut off for the disaster struck regions. The affected regions an ...

Impact of Migration and Urbanization on Cities

An Agent-Based Model on the effects of Migration on the city of The Hague

Migrants are moving in great numbers towards urban areas as a result of urbanization and drivers such as political-, economical- and climate crises. The influx of new people brings new challenges for cities and municipalities to provide for a suitable environment for new and exis ...

Self-Sovereign Identities for Scaling Up Cash Transfer Projects

Designing a blockchain based digital identity system

Situation: Information management enables humanitarian organizations to make adequate interventions based on timely, appropriate and trustworthy information. A crucial type of information are identities, because they can be used to assess vulnerability and efficiently manage aid ...

Understanding inter-organizational information sharing

A case-study in the context of Risk and Opportunity Based Asset Management for Critical Infrastructures (ROBAMCI)

On a daily basis we (in) directly make use of functions of various infrastructures: we drive on roads and bridges or we live without worries behind the safety of a dike. Only when there are cracks in the dike or a particular bridge is not accessible due to for example a broken pi ...

Information diffusion in complex emergencies

A model-based evaluation of information sharing strategies

In an emergency, humanitarian organisations share information to prevent redundant data collection and avoid gaps and overlap in the relief activities that they undertake. An analysis of hygiene kit distribution in the Bangladesh-Myanmar displacement crisis and consultation of bo ...

Information-sharing in humanitarian operations in complex disasters

Using Agent-Based modelling to identify policies for improved performance

An agent-based modelling study, which shows the impact of predefined policies on a stylized case study of Syria.
The incidence of natural disasters worldwide is increasing. As a result, there is a growing number of people in need, whereas limited resources to help these people are available. It is therefore important to effectively and efficiently prioritize the most vulnerable people in th ...

Preventing Airborne Infectious Spreading

The role of airport level operations during epidemics

Infectious diseases are responsible for about one quarter of all deaths worldwide and it is likely that major epidemics will emerge in the near future. Through the airline system, diseases can spread around the world rapidly and are more and more likely to do so. At the same time ...
The natural river deltas around the world are expeeriencing changes due to the relative sea level rise and the large number of people settled around these fertile areas are experiencing threat to the livelihoods. Various research intiatives stem from the warning signals in these ...

Decision-making on pre-disaster evacuation strategies in danger of cyclone induced floods

Two case studies in Mozambique showing how to balance timeliness and uncertainty reduction in making shelter location decisions

As Needham (2015) concluded based on researching 700 storm surge events: “tropical cyclone induced floods are among the world’s deadliest and destructive natural hazards”. Due to this growing threat, there is a growing need for evacuation policies in case of an impending cyclone, ...
India is a country constantly grappling with problems of impeded rural development. Energy, in particular sustainable energy can be seen as key to attain the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the U.N. Integration of rural sectors can be seen as a methodology to broaden th ...

Modelling Humanitarian Interaction

Exploring the factors that determine humanitarian interaction and the policies that influence them through agent-based modelling. The case of information security.

Humanitarian assistance is driven by data and information. Through the whole chain of actions – from early warning systems to evaluation – information determines priorities, resource allocation, and donors’ willingness to donate. However, the potential harm that comes with data i ...

Resilient airports

Using a new resilience measuring approach to evaluate policies that improve the resilience of airports in the immediate post-disaster response

Airports are a special critical infrastructure in a disaster response from a resilience point of view. They must overcome two types of shocks when they are affected by a disaster. They are not only hit by a disaster, which decreases their performances. Airports also need to act a ...