S. Kernan Freire
11 records found
Modern factories showlittle resemblance to the assembly lines froma century ago. Nowadays, a single human might be responsible for setting up, operating, and maintaining a complex chain of machines. This shift has made the work of factory operators more cognitively demanding, req
Knowledge sharing in manufacturing using LLM-powered tools
User study and model benchmarking
Recent advances in natural language processing enable more intelligent ways to support knowledge sharing in factories. In manufacturing, operating production lines has become increasingly knowledge-intensive, putting strain on a factory's capacity to train and support new operato
Large Language Models (LLMs) are expected to significantly impact various socio-technical systems, offering transformative possibilities for improved interaction between humans and technology. However, their integration poses complex challenges due to the intricate interplay betw
Lessons Learned from Designing and Evaluating CLAICA
A Continuously Learning AI Cognitive Assistant
Learning to operate a complex system, such as an agile production line, can be a daunting task. The high variability in products and frequent reconfigurations make it difficult to keep documentation up-to-date and share new knowledge amongst factory workers. We introduce CLAICA,
Operating a complex and dynamic system, such as an agile manufacturing line, is a knowledge-intensive task. It imposes a steep learning curve on novice operators and prompts experienced operators to continuously discover new knowledge, share it, and retain it. In practice, traini
Many industries face the challenge of capturing workers' knowledge to share it, particularly tacit knowledge. The operation of complex systems such as a manufacturing line is knowledge-intensive. Considering this knowledge's breadth and dynamic nature, existing knowledge-sharing
Emoji have become an essential part of modern communication, helping to convey emotions and tone quickly and concisely. Emoji used by humans and Intelligent Agents (IA) have been shown to affect people’s decision making intentions, suggesting they could be used to manipulate user
Many industries are facing the challenge of how to capture workers' knowledge such that it can be shared, in particular tacit knowledge. The operation of complex systems such as a manufacturing line is knowledge-intensive, especially if the operator must frequently reconfigure it
As agile manufacturing expands and workforce mobility increases, the importance of efficient knowledge transfer among factory workers grows. Cognitive Assistants (CAs) with Large Language Models (LLMs), like GPT-3.5, can bridge knowledge gaps and improve worker performance in man
Maintaining a complex system, such as a modern production line, is a knowledge-intensive task. Many firms use maintenance reports as a decision support tool. However, reports are often poor quality and tedious to compile. A Conversational User Interface (CUI) could streamline the
Break, Repair, Learn, Break Less
Investigating User Preferences for Assignment of Divergent Phrasing Learning Burden in Human-Agent Interaction to Minimize Conversational Breakdowns
Conversational agents (CA) occasionally fail to understand the user's intention or respond inappropriately due to natural language complexity. These conversational breakdowns can happen because of low intent and entity prediction confidence scores. A promising repair strategy in