The relation between clouds and surface water on exoplanets

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To answer the question of habitability of other planets, it is crucial to find liquid water. As a planet’s surface might be difficult to characterise through observations, the observation of cloud composition and coverage could possibly reveal the presence of large bodies of surface water. Climate code SPEEDY is used to investigate relations between cloud patterns on rocky exoplanets with oceans for various planet parameters, such as obliquity and incident stellar flux, and the observable signals of such exoplanets are computed. SPEEDY was chosen for the modelling of rocky exoplanets, because of its speed, since our aim is to run simulations for various planet parameters, and its flexibility, since it allows the adaptation of planet properties such as the presence and distribution of continents. The planet’s rotational period is found to have the most obvious influence on the cloud pattern: with increasing rotational speed, bands of clouds form, parallel to the equator, with the number of bands increasing with the rotational speed. The total flux and polarisation of starlight that is reflected by the planets with cloud bands as functions of the wavelength and the planetary phase angle are computed. Also the influence of the integration time of the observations on the reflected light signals is studied. Our main recommendation for further research is to broaden the applicability of SPEEDY for exoplanet research by first gaining more insight into the parametrisations and then by adapting them where necessary to allow wider parameter settings.