Access to Tools for Urban Waste Flows
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The migration of ideas implies the movement of ideas, thoughts, philosophy, knowledge, or other non-physical conditions from one space and/
or time to another, where they are activated and manifested. As a result, this may purposefully or accidentally effect other existing conditions in a different setting, thereby giving birth to new ideas or phenomena. The thesis aims to investigate in particular the migration of mycoremediation, the method of environment decontamination through the biological properties of mycelium. The project speculates on the emergence of the mycelium industry as an autonomous mode of production within a circular economy for the Maashaven commons in the year of 2050, while investigating the utilisation of mycoremediation technology as
an apparatus for confrontation against current sitespecific environmental issues such as water and air pollution, and urban waste flows. Furthermore, the research aims to explore how digitisation and mechanisation in urban agriculture and waste management are manifested within Rotterdam, while seeking to unveil human’s relationships with water in an urban context.