C.E.M. Blom
11 records found
Klimaforum Berlin
Immersive Spaces in a Nutshell
Klimaforum is Berlins new interactive art, science and technology forum, located on a soon to be vacant heizkraftwerk site along the Spree river.
Commissioned by The German Ministry of Culture & Media, The City of Berlin and exploited by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, ...
Commissioned by The German Ministry of Culture & Media, The City of Berlin and exploited by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, ...
Salam Emergency Station
Responding to ermergency
It’s August 4 when Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, is hit by one of the largest non-nuclear explosions the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, this explosion that damaged and/or demolished more than half of the city is not the first crisis it has to deal with. Several catastrophes hav
Beirut's Living Room:
Characterized by cultural diversity, Beirut has a multi-religious society, with unfortunately a rampant space shrinkage issue. With in particular the Public domain. Evidenced by limited infrastructure and virtually no affordable housing, the citysca ...
Characterized by cultural diversity, Beirut has a multi-religious society, with unfortunately a rampant space shrinkage issue. With in particular the Public domain. Evidenced by limited infrastructure and virtually no affordable housing, the citysca ...
Ambidextrous Port
Logistic Hub for Goods and People
The thesis aims to investigate the different flows of logistics particularly goods and people through urban mobility strategies and utilizing inland waterways to improve the efficiency of logistic lifecycles. The project also speculates about the ever-changing logistic infrastruc
The Living City
Migration of the Garden City
The Living City combines social housing with an algae research institute and additional public functions in one complex, and is made completely circular and self-sufficient with the use of algae. The project reacts on the migrated and evolved Garden Suburbs within the site of the
The Maashaven Bridge unlocks the potential of Maashaven - utilizing the factor of an iconic intervention, the harbor transformation process is kick-started and a previously industrial waterfront redevelops the urban identity of the harbor and Rotterdam South to a lively urban env
Access to Tools for Urban Waste Flows
The migration of ideas implies the movement of ideas, thoughts, philosophy, knowledge, or other non-physical conditions from one space and/
or time to another, where they are activated and manifested. As a result, this may purposefully or accidentally effect other existing co ...
or time to another, where they are activated and manifested. As a result, this may purposefully or accidentally effect other existing co ...
Gallery of temporalities
Migration of the idea of temporality in architecture
The presented project concerns the design concept and process, as well as the preceding methodologies for the development of an architectural intervention in the Rotterdam South. Main notion of the project is the idea of permanent transition in the architectural and urbanistic re
Red Cross Social Center
Migration of social adaptation to climate change
The climate is changing and to deal with this climate change, adaptations have to be made to the way we live. This research focusses on a particular site in Rotterdam Zuid in terms of climate change. The research question is the following: How can both- social and hard infrastruc