Kees Kaan

57 records found


“Densification” is an inevitable trend of modern urban development. The blend and apposition of new extension with historical environment would be an important feature of cities in the next age, which would further bring about the discussion and speculation on historical value an ...
Undoubtedly there is an unbreakable relation between the changes in human mobility and the appearance of our cities. A town for pedestrians and horses has different physical characteristics than our contemporary city. Over centuries, European cities have developed into what they ...

Relaxed dignity

KAAN designs new building for Tilburg University

‘KAAN Architecten and the building firm VORM are together creating a large new building on the Tilburg University campus. With 11,000 square metres of floor area, the university’s Teaching and Self-Study Centre (OZC) is intended to offer students better facilities and hence furth ...

Ontspannen waardigheid

KAAN Architecten ontwerpt nieuwbouw voor Tilburg University

KAAN Architecten en bouwonderneming VORM maken een groot nieuw gebouw op de campus van Tilburg University. Met het Onderwijs- en Zelfstudiecentrum (OZC), 11.000 vierkante meter vloeroppervlak, wil de universiteit de studenten beter faciliteren en daarmee de kwaliteit van onderwij ...
Intreerede Delft University of Technology, 14 maart 2008@en


This research aims to investigate how knowledge-sharing can assist architects in managing ongoing and future transitions amid a multitude of external and internal transitions, including shifts in economy, politics, society, as well as emergent demands for sustai ...
Bone to be natural is a plastic surgery clinic making people find an identity and design appearance with a series of programs in the clinic; body scanning, plastic surgery, inpatient care, and archive. The operating room is a new bedroom, giving a domestic atmosphere by dividing ...

Fashion House

The Standard Resort

The Standard Resort is part of Fashion House, a collective project that speculates on the spatial implications of the future of the fashion industry in five post-industrial cities throughout Europe, collectively referred to as the Red Thread.

This contribution proposes ...
Sited in the Liège city center, this contribution proposes an urban winery that blends terroir fragments across the Blue Banana, exploring protection regulations that can build upon the knowledge, tradition, and novel techniques of winemaking.

Closely related to the ide ...
This project deals with the industrial heritage of Gibraltar and its future prospects in the context of the global economy and the local culture. More particularly, it is about an upgrade of a ship repair yard known as Gibdock. It is aiming to counterbalance the issue between the ...
Cartographic Gibraltar focuses on mapping process mainly around the contested coastal line with a series of urban conditions like disputable developments, projects, proposals, agreements and historical events. The map from now on is called designerly which means an approach to co ...
Healthcare has been often described as the most complex human organization ever devised.
The life of hospitals has been supplanted many times by an aseptic compliance with norms, regulations, procedures, protocols, and hyper technologies. Hence, there is no longer any trace o ...

The Farmacy

A new small scale pharmaceutical production site

This project explores the realities of production in the Irish landscape, and speculates upon certain industries that maintain both a rural economy and Ireland’s architectural identity. The essence of this project as the name suggest, is to combine two residual industries in Irel ...

Neither Here nor There

16 moments on the Irish border

The Irish border, runs for 499 km separating the Republic of Ireland from Northern Ireland. Since its implementation in 1912, the border fluctuated in its permeability and meaning, for there it witnessed great periods of instability, quietness, denial and insignificance. When the ...

Spirit of Place

A Whiskey Distillery in the Irish Countryside

This thesis explores the potential of the production space in the countryside as an architecture of economic activity and logic, and as an architecture of social encounters. The project proposes a mid-sized distillery that downsizes and deconstructs, and where the production of w ...

A Collection of Follies

Five Notes on the Irish Landscape

When one thinks about Ireland, its landscape comes immediately to mind. The variety seen in vegetation, topography, colors and textures, combined with the low demographic density verified in the majority of its territory, consolidates the image of the island as a rich collection ...

Amsterdam 2050

Complex Projects

By using Amsterdam as a living laboratory, graduate students, researchers and teachers of the architectural design chair of Complex Projects at the Department of Architecture at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment have been interested in seeing how ‘growth’ ...

Amsterdam 2050

Complex Projects

By using Amsterdam as a living laboratory, graduate students, researchers and teachers of the architectural design chair of Complex Projects at the Department of Architecture at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment have been interested in seeing how ‘growth’ ...

The potential of Art

De potentie van Kunst

The number of tourists is a daily struggle the inner city of Amsterdam has to deal with. Thereby the inner city is loveable but not livable. Quick measures must be taken otherwise Amsterdam will disneyficate.

On the other hand, Sloterdijk is one of the underdeveloped ...