E.M. Bet

15 records found

Klimaforum Berlin

Immersive Spaces in a Nutshell

Klimaforum is Berlins new interactive art, science and technology forum, located on a soon to be vacant heizkraftwerk site along the Spree river.
Commissioned by The German Ministry of Culture & Media, The City of Berlin and exploited by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, ...

The Gender Reveal of Space

A spatial strategic framework for a more gender inclusive planning and design of public spaces in the Netherlands

What happens if we look at (public) space through the lens of gender? How would it be experienced differently? These are questions this thesis will look into. It aims to not only explore different types of gendered spaces but also to increase the understanding of designers and pl ...
This thesis is an exploration into architectural strategies that help build up the holistic care for children in paediatric facilities.

Masculinities in public space

Reshape heteronormative public spaces to facilitate legitimacy for diverse gender identities

People across the world, identifying beyond the binary notion of gender and sexuality are often limited to freely access and appropriate the city and feel a sense of belonging. A general problem is that notions about gender are strongly embedded within the design of the built env ...

Urban Happiness

How urbanists should carry out citizens’ participation during the design process to improve citizens their lives

Social inequility is still part of the current world, not only in the poorer countries but also in the wealthiest once. With the use of gentrification it was tried to hide the poverty by improving the quality of neighbourhoods. Although this improved the liveability and wealthine ...

Welcome, home

Urban biography about the past and future of a deprived residential neighbourhood typology, featuring the cases of Rotterdam and Minsk

With the progressing housing shortage, there is a need for affordable and accessible housing to accommodate the vulnerable population whose number steadily increases every year. Post-socialist urban residential neighbourhoods, an outdated and neglected but culturally and sentimen ...

Making Grey Green

Redesigning business parks as an additional step to bringing back biodiversity in these areas and to the city

Biodiversity is declining worldwide because of population growth and the rising demand for goods. Biodiversity is needed for our ecosystem services which provide us with fresh water and medicine which means people are dependent on a healthy biodiversity. Cities want to greenify t ...

Finding Common Grounds

Adapting Heritage Meaning i

Finding Common Grounds: Adapting Heritage meaning in Socially Diverse Couperusbuurt is a renewalproject of Amsterdam’s Western Garden Cities neighbourhood. Western Garden Cities Amsterdam orWestelijke Tuinsteden is a post-war neighbourhood considered heritage by the Municipality ...

Integrated difference

Counteracting exclusion of migrants through intercultural spatial planning and governance in Athens

This research-and-design research addresses the influence of urban conditions on social conditions (and vice versa) and explores interdisciplinary alternatives. In the context of Athens (Greece), spatial planning and its governance support social exclusion of migrants, which is e ...

Cities for People -of Tomorrow

Promoting Urban Vitality in the Masterplanning Process of Ecopark New Town, Hanoi, Vietnam

This research is dealing with the development of a new town in Hanoi, Vietnam. With many Hanoi new towns that are currently failing and on the brink of becoming ghost towns, this research aims to explore the way to design a new town that promotes urban vitality throughout the mas ...

Water as a connector

A coherency between waterfront redevelopment and urban revitalization

Cities in the Netherlands have mostly traditionally developed themselves around water: often near rivers or sea, sometimes also at its intersection. Rotterdam, with one of the largest port city in the Netherlands, is an example. Rotterdam is a dynamic world port and has a century ...
An architectural project for a biodiverse embassy, creating a place for close encounters with the other creatures of the city. The goal is to create awareness and interraction with other species both on a local and global scale and provide the means for a biodiverse community of ...

Designing for Integration

With Infrastructure as a tool for Urban re-newal: in the case of Feijenoord and the HEF

Rotterdam is chosen an example of a city in constant flux, based specifically due to 2 main events- the bombing of Rotterdam in 1940 and the shift of the harbors westwards- 1970's, focussing on the shift of harbor Westwards. • The development of the South of Rotterdam- Kop Van ...

Christiania: The alternative neighbourhood

An urbanism project on the prospects of freetown Christiania through inter-scalar design interventions where culture is the catalyst for urban regeneration in the city of Copenhagen

This thesis project on Christiania in the context of Copenhagen is an account of the research being carried out during the graduation year of Urbanism, eventually resulting in a design oriented project within the ‘Design of the Urban Fabric’ Research Group.

The structure ...

Increasing Team Collaboration by Implementing Shared Leadership

A case study of the soft side of project management

Aim: This research focuses on aims to explore the concept of shared leadership in integrated design teams in the construction branch. The exploration is conducted by addressing the question of whether leadership styles and tasks are solely performed by the project manager of a de ...