J.D. O'Callaghan


10 records found

Inflatable Glazing

Prototyping of a dynamic thin glass unit with a switchable thermal insulation

Building energy regulations worldwide are increasingly advocating for better-insulated facades since improved insulation in facades can significantly reduce a building’s heating energy demand. However, research indicates that super-insulated buildings are already at risk of overh ...

Red Cross Social Center

Migration of social adaptation to climate change

The climate is changing and to deal with this climate change, adaptations have to be made to the way we live. This research focusses on a particular site in Rotterdam Zuid in terms of climate change. The research question is the following: How can both- social and hard infrastruc ...

Section Active Extruded Glass Structural Elements

An explorative study on their potential for architecture

Glass buildings seem to be as popular as ever (Louter, 2011) and glass shapes the appearance of contemporary architecture unlike any other building material (Wurm, 2007). Moreover, the demand for glass buildings is rising (Eskilson, 2018). As designers look to make the buildings ...

Cheese bell

The design of a full glass dome structure as a protective shelter for a small monument in Alkmaar

A building manager of a small monument in Alkmaar wants to give the monument a new function as a restaurant. His idea is to place a glass structure over his monument, like a huge cheese bell, in Alkmaar as a famous cheese city. The main question that is central in this research i ...

Gallery of temporalities

Migration of the idea of temporality in architecture

The presented project concerns the design concept and process, as well as the preceding methodologies for the development of an architectural intervention in the Rotterdam South. Main notion of the project is the idea of permanent transition in the architectural and urbanistic re ...

Thin glass instalation

Integrated design for glass projects

Glass structures have been dominating in the architectural world for the past decades, unveiling the material’s structural potential. Advancements in glass manufacturing and post-processing techniques have not only led to innovative applications but also resulted in the developme ...

Tarwewijk mobility hub

Migration of mobility as public space

From carriages to cars, from steam engine trains to HS trains, the modes of mobility has been changing through the time. Mobility as become more and more relevant to people’s daily life and also plays an important role in city planning. With the rapid development of mobility mode ...
In the current built environment, the three main glass elements are glass window blocks, (structural) float glass and (structural) glass bricks. Float glass is the most used type of glass element and it is evolving from a skin material to a structural material. Glass hollow block ...
To reduce the heat loss in heritage buildings, this graduation research aims to explore what alternative solutions arise when thin glass is used to design an insulating glass panel that replaces the single glazing? To do so, six different designs are proposed. The first two are a ...
Glass is a fascinating material that has also been used as a primary construction material in various remarkable buildings since the last century. Unfortunately, a lot of carbon dioxide is released during the production of glass because of the extreme heat required. The construct ...