Red Cross Social Center
Migration of social adaptation to climate change
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The climate is changing and to deal with this climate change, adaptations have to be made to the way we live. This research focusses on a particular site in Rotterdam Zuid in terms of climate change. The research question is the following: How can both- social and hard infrastructure contribute to the creation of a climate proof, resilient community? This question will be answered in the form of a building. Starting with a research about the climate change that has to be dealt with in Rotterdam Zuid. As a group we defined a new vision for the area and we all designed one building that contributes to that vision. In this case solutions for climate change contribute to the vision. This research about the location determined the location of the intervention. After this a research is done into the subject social infrastructure, changing the habits of people from an individual mindset to a communal mindset. This can save lives during a disaster. This research determined the target groups and the function. The elderly and the children and the function should be a combination between an aid organization and a communal center. The Red Cross Social Center. Then a reference research started, different types of communal centers and red cross headquarters have been analysed to come up with a program bar for the project. Along with the program bar, different ambitions have been established in terms of function, site and design. Having all these guidelines set the massing could start. After trial and error the final massing has been established. A rectangular shaped building with a courtyard in the middle. The courtyard can be reached through a large (water)square which creates passages underneath the building. The large green roof is connected to the ground floor to make it accessible to the public to reach the second floor. The ground floor, second floor, third floor, and fourth floor contain public functions for people to establish this social connection, this social infrastructure. On the first floor the headquarters of the Dutch Red Cross is placed. This location and the design of the building will increase their visibility. The aim of the design was to create a building that deals with climate change in terms of hard- and social infrastructure. The hard infrastructure is achieved by various interventions. The social infrastructure is a more difficult topic, the building offers the ideal circumstances for people to create this social infrastructure themselves and create this resilient community.