Housing for Community

Re-imagining co-housing in the age of neo-liberalism

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Co-housing project and development scheme for Nala Sopara
The main objective behind this project is to explore potential solutions to the housing problem in Mumbai. To achieve this objective, I have developed a structured approach. This will consist of extensive research into the nature of the problem at every level. These ‘levels’ consist of the meta: Neoliberalism, the structural: Hyper-commodification of housing, and the tangible: the lived experience of those individuals who are embroiled in the extremes of these processes. Another facet of research will be into existing community based housing initiatives, both in India and around the world. The culmination of these inquiries will be the creation of an architectural design brief which will inform the design of a housing model. It is expected that the outcome of this thesis will be the development of an effective design brief template and subsequent housing model, which can better address the housing situation in Mumbai. Beyond Nalasopara and Mumbai, it is intended that the thesis research will also respond to the growing global issue to do with free market housing. This would not be a model per say; but rather, a way of thinking about the core of the problem before addressing individual cultural dimensions.