Development of 3D printable SHCC for structural purposes
An experimental study on material design and material-system interactions
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3D printing of concrete is an automated manufacturing technology being developed for the construction industry. The objective is that the technology can make the construction industry more time-, labour- and material-efficient as well as increase the formability of structural designs. 3Dconcrete printing has been in development for over a decade and the technology has recently made its introduction into the built world. That being said, there are still several challenges that call for attention before the technology can be widely implemented. One of the most distinct challenges is the reinforcement of the printed element. Concrete is by nature a brittle material, which is strong in compression but relatively weak in tension. Under loads that cause tensile forces, such as bending in beams, plain concrete can easily crack or even break completely. Traditionally, concrete is therefore reinforced with embedded steel reinforcement bars that prevent the concrete from brittle failure. In the application of 3DCP the implementation of steel rebars is not trivial, and thus alternative reinforcement methods are being developed. Based on the concept of strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC), one possible solution can be found in the development of 3Dprintable strain hardening cementitious composites (3DP-SHCC). SHCC is characterised by its ductility and its capacity to show strain hardening behaviour under uniaxial tensile loading. The combination of these two relatively new innovations imposes strict and occasionally contradicting requirements on the fresh and hardened mechanical properties. Where the 3DCP aspect of the material imposes requirements on the fresh mechanical properties, such as pumpability, extrudability and buildability, the strain hardening aspect requires very balanced and fragile criteria on the (micro)mechanical properties in the hardened state.
This PhD project ventures to incorporate SHCC into the 3-dimensional printing technology, with the underlying objective to systematically develop a printable strain - hardening cementitious composite for structural purposes.
• Optimisation of the particle size distribution formed the basis for developing a new 3DP-SHCC material. Grain size distribution analysis based on the "modified Andreasen and Andersen" model were performed on several dry-mix compositions to ensure the buildability and stability of the 3DP-SHCC in its fresh state. After this, four-point bending tests were carried out to verify the ductility in the hardened state. Two dry mixes were selected and further optimised with the addition of a viscosity modifier agent (VMA) and a super plasticiser (SP). Print speed trials and buildability tests were conducted to assess the printability of the final mix designs, followed by experimental testing of both the fresh and curedmechanical properties.
• To enable large-scale structural applications of 3DP-SHCC, various pumping strategies were evaluated, revealing bottlenecks such as the formation of fibre agglomxi xii SUMMARY erates and blockages. Individual components of the pumping system were tested and adjusted to achieve constant and adequate material flow as well as material stability throughout the printing process.
• The effect of the printing process on hardened mechanical properties underwent evaluation through two experimental studies. Firstly, an examination of the consistency of hardened mechanical properties was conducted across three nominally identical printing sessions. The second study focused on the different phases of one single printing session. It determined the influence of subsequent printing phases (mixing, pumping, extruding, and printing) on the hardened mechanical properties of the printed 3DP-SHCC elements.
• The fresh and hardened mechanical properties of a 3DP-SHCC matrixwith various fibre types were evaluated in an experimental study. High variation in workability, ductility and strain hardening capacity was encountered.
• Finally, given the importance of the fresh mechanical properties of 3DP-SHCC, research was conducted on several fresh mechanical tests. The tests were evaluated for their applicability to 3DP-SHCC based on five criteria: Reliability, precision, un-ambiguity, reproducibility and feasibility.
The study successfully developed 3Dprintable SHCCs that meet the requirements on printability and strain hardening to the achieve ductility and strain hardening capacity of printed elements.
Furthermore, the study helps to understand the interaction between the printing system and the 3DP-SHCC. It highlights the implications the material has on the pumping system and how the printing process influences the hardened mechanical properties. It discusses the key parameters of fibre types and how these influence the fresh and hardened mechanical properties, and last but not least, it gives insight into fresh mechanical testing protocols for the high-yield stress 3DP-SHCCs.
All of these give a solid base for researchers to design fibre-reinforced printable composites, with required printability and strain hardening properties. In particular, it contributes to the design and tailoring strategies for high-performance strain hardening composites.