Exploring Training Pair-Generation Strategies for Deep Metric Learning for Floor Plan Retrieval

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Existing content-based image retrieval models work well for natural photos, but not for images of architectural floor plans.
Previous work on floor plan retrieval has focused on graph-based methods, rather than image-based floor plans.
Training a CNN-based representation learning framework on segmented floor plan images with standard image augmentations does not result in semantically meaningful retrievals.
This work shows that a CNN-based representation learning model can learn features for retrieving floor plans that have similar graphs given the right training signal. Two methods were investigated here: GeomPerturb, a data augmentation that perturbs the underlying geometry of a floor plan, and a weakly supervised method with labels based on the graph edit distance between a pair of floor plans. The results show that while GeomPerturb learns representations that are correlated with the floor plan graph, training with GED labels leads to better retrievals both in terms of the floor plan graph and with respect to room shapes.