Self-Craft Community - Bandung

Symbiotic of local craft techniques and construction knowledge for Kampung regeneration by retrofitting an existing structure in the city centre of Bandung

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How can local craftsmanship be intensified by way of unqualified and qualified workers in the urban centre of Bandung in order to retrofit existing structures in a creative and durable manner?
By using the existing shared vernacular and craftsmanship knowledge and available resources, the self-build tradition which is already strongly present in Bandung can be enhanced while reducing building waste and its environmental impact. By using local craft knowledge in a low-tech approach combined with the introduction of new technologies (such as CNC milling) it allows for local workers to create safe and durable buildings which reflect the regional character. The self-craft community which grows from and into the existing structure of the existing Pasar Cikapundung is a creative educational environment where the craft knowledge and new construction approach can be taught, tested and applied, incrementally improving the conditions of the urban kampung in a sustainable and expressive manner. The resulting building, self-built by the community, can not only have a lasting impact on the livelihoods of the kampung residents but also on the area by embodying the commemorative value of the building being retrofitted as well as giving back power and identity to its users.