Riverscapes _ A dialogue between Rhine and cityscapes

[The case of Arnhem]

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Nowadays, the relation between the elements of the riverscapes has changed. Human ignore the rivers as elements of a highly dynamic ecological system, development corridors and places of social invention and have already transformed them into urbanized landscapes and transport routes for trading purposes. As a result, riverscapes are treated as infrastructures [highways] and are perceived through a technical lens. In most of the cases they are related with industrial facilities and the water is seen as a technical element [a waterway] without interaction with the other elements of the riverscapes’ system [the landscape or city].

This thesis focuses on the development of design principles to re-activate relations and interactions between the elements of the riverscapes, emphasizing on the rivers treated as waterways that should be experienced as zones of processes and gradients interacting with the urban fabric and not as lines of infrastructure.

_What are the potentials and restrictions of the spatial context of the rivers - waterways in relation with the urban fabric and how has the current situation been formed?
_ What are the design principles that could be developed and applied in order to re-introduce the waterway in the riverscape landscape in relation with the urban fabric?
_ How can the dynamics and the processes of the riverscapes’ ecosystem enhance the potentials of the design process?
_ Was the goal of this research achieved and how could it be beneficial in all scales, from local to regional?

The case of Arnhem’s riverscape consists the test case. The design process aims to create such a continuous base for relations and interaction between the riverscape elements resulting in the introduction of a zone of processes and dynamics with gradients from urban to natural. The proposal focuses in landscape transformations that activate the riverscape dynamics and processes and in the introduction of architectural elements, minimal interventions, as part of the new system.