Flemish cultural centre - a public lounge with flemish roots...

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The design reacts upon the surroundings and upon the history of the site. The design possess three outside space, each having his own gradation of public, private and semi. This is followed up with three masses, which define the boundaries of the site. The connection of both of outside spaces and masses are been done by a foyer, which is a kind of transitional architectural element and a decor for the upcoming performances. Besides this the design uses certain old parts of the existing buildings because of the fact that it has certain memories. The difference of the old and the new is been mainly done by the usage of different materials. Whereas the old building is built out of brick is the new one built out of natural stone. Shortly, the design tries to reuse certain ideas of the existing building and refines them and there are new spaces added which eventually upgrade the site to a next level of architecture.