Privacy-oriented Wearable Data acquisition for MMLA

Wireless communication and data management

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This thesis, conducted as part of the Bachelor Graduation Project at TU Delft, focusses on designing the communication and storage components of a data acquisition system for Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA). The goal is to create an adaptable system that improves learning outcomes in large, dynamic classrooms such as Tellegen Hall. Current systems often fail to address issues of privacy and integration, limiting their effectiveness in real-world applications. Theproposeddesignemployswearabledynamicnodesfordatacollection, andutilisesstaticnodesand arootnodeforwirelesscommunication. WirelesscommunicationusestheESP-NOWwirelessprotocol, and data is stored in a time-series database, InfluxDB, running on a Raspberry Pi 5. A Graphical User Interface(GUI) built in Grafana, allows monitoring and visualises the data. The system was tested for reliability and performance, showing a high success rate of 99.93% in data transmission. It enables a network consisting of, theoretically, up to 200 nodes. Future improvements include real-time analytics and data security mechanisms.


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