Energy from the surface

Structural geology and fracture network characterisation of the Daly Waters Arch, Northern Territory (Australia) & communication approach for technical uncertainties in geothermal energy implementation in the Dutch energy transition

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This report contains the results of the two thesis studies that finalise a combined MSc--programs of Reservoir Geology and Science Communication. The first part of the report comprises the multi-scale data (kilometers to meters scale) analysis of a) the large--scale architecture of the subsurface Daly Waters Arch which was obtained from seismic data interpretation; and b) fracture pattern characterisation by outcrop measurements and drone imagery in the Tomkinson Province. Both the Daly Waters Arch and the Tomkinson Province are located in the largely undeformed Palaeo-- to Meso--Proterozoic Greater McArthur Basin in the Northern Territory, Australia. In July 2019, a geological fieldwork was conducted in the Tomkinson Province to collect the fracture data with the drone. In this research, the Daly Waters Arch and the Tomkinson Province have been geologically linked based on seismic and fracture data. By discussing analog cases of far-field deformation, these results have been placed in a larger context of large--scale basin deformation.

The second part of the report focuses on the Netherlands, where ambitious goals have been set for the implementation of geothermal energy in the energy transition. During the gas production in Groningen, a negative social perspective towards mining operations, in general, was developed. For the implementation of geothermal energy, an approach for the communication of technical uncertainties between the initiators and the local public of a geothermal project is designed in this study. Technical uncertainties that are present in geothermal energy implementation in the Netherlands have been identified during semi-structured expert-interviews with different stakeholders in the spectrum of geothermal energy. The approach addresses guidelines for the communication of the context, the goal, the technical uncertainties present in the geothermal project, the main communicating actors, their reference frames, and the situation in which the communication process takes place.