Bayesian system identification for structures considering spatial and temporal dependencies

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Bayesian system identification, including parameter estimation and model selection, is widely used to infer partially known, unobservable parameters of the models of physical systems when measurement data is available. A common assumption in the Bayesian system identification literature is that the discrepancy between model predictions and measurements can be described as independent, identically distributed realizations from a univariate Gaussian distribution. However, the decreasing cost of sensors and monitoring systems leads to more frequent structural measurements in close proximity to each other (e.g. fiber optics and strain gauges). In such cases, dependency in modeling uncertainty could be significant, both in space and time, and the assumption of uncorrelated Gaussian error may lead to inaccurate parameter estimation.

The aim of this thesis is to explore how Bayesian system identification can be feasibly performed using large datasets when spatial and/or temporal dependence might be present and to assess the impact of considering this dependence. A pool of models, each assuming a different correlation structure, is defined and Bayesian inference is performed. In particular, stress measurements obtained on a steel road bridge are used to update the parameters of the corresponding FE model and the parameters of the correlation structure. The results are compared to a reference model where only measurements of the response peaks are used under the assumption of independence. Nested sampling is utilized to compute the evidence under each model and Bayesian model selection is applied. The question of efficiently performing system identification for large datasets (N > 102 for temporal dependencies and N > 103 for combined spatial and temporal dependencies) is investigated, and a novel approach for efficiently calculating the exact log-likelihood is derived. An approximation based on the Fisher information matrix is used to efficiently calculate the information content of measurements.

It is found that the choice of correlation function can significantly affect the posterior distribution of the model prediction uncertainty. Additionally, it is shown that using large datasets and considering dependence makes it possible to perform system identification for a larger number of parameters compared to the reference model. The results of the case study indicate that using measurements from multiple sensors under combined spatial and temporal dependence and additive model prediction error yields reduced uncertainty in the posterior and up to 29% reduction of the posterior predictive credible interval range compared to the reference case. Furthermore, the efficiency of the proposed likelihood evaluation method is assessed. Using this method, exact calculation of the log-likelihood can be performed for >106 points in under a second in the case of correlation in one dimension. For combined spatial and temporal correlation it is shown to be approximately 900 times faster than naive evaluation for a 64 by 64 grid of observations. The results of the case study indicate that the described approach can be feasibly applied to real-world structures and can potentially improve parameter estimation and reduce prediction uncertainty. These findings suggest that further research into the approach could yield improvements over current methods.