Collective test: Can generative tools working autonomously create new cultures in the long run?

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The term AI has entered the creative industry in the last decades. Computer based design is now omnipresent in everyday life. Will AI take over the creative industry? Can they autonomously be creative? These are some of the headlines propagated by the mainstream media. This paper will unveil the human labor behind these computer generated designs by analyzing how they were publicized and how they were actually developed. Through the related case studies, it is possible to identify how much of the AI work is still human originated, and how a total automation is still not attained. However, the illusion created through media does suggest that generative models are capable of producing human-like text, art etc. If the human labor is fully substituted by a computer, then a new test will be necessary to verify the feasibility. The suggestion of a Collective test will be based on the study of how a human culture develops: through creativity and diversification. If a computer lacks human insights, will they still be able to create a new culture?
