Optimizing district heating networks: Exploring the solution space

Transporting geothermal energy to consumers in Delft

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Society is facing a huge challenge in switching the energy sectors dependence on fossil fuels into an energy sector using mostly renewable energy sources. The switch towards using more sustainable energy sources is known as the energy transition. The goal of the energy transition is to lower the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitted by the energy sector. Lowering the GHG emissions helps society limit the global warming caused by GHG [3]. 17.5 % of the global energy usage comes from the energy use in buildings [50]. It is thus very important that the energy use in buildings transitions towards using more sustainable energy sources. One of the renewable energy sources that is ought promising in the energy transition for energy use in buildings is geothermal energy [3]. Geothermal energy is energy that is captured in reservoirs of hot water in the earth’s crust. The hot water captured in the hot water pockets is pumped to the surface, to use it in spatial heating. The return pipe returns the cooled water to the geothermal well, where it can heat up again over a certain period of time [63] [23].

In some cases, geothermal energy is applied using a district heating network. A district heating network is an example of a system that provides heating and/or cooling capacities to a group of buildings [65]. A district heating network is a network of pipelines that transport the hot water from the geothermal well to the buildings in the district. A geothermal well in combination with a district heating network is developed in Delft [27]. The district heating network will deliver energy to the TU Delft campus, two neighborhoods in Delft and industry at the Schieweg in Delft [28].

Besides the district heating network in Delft, it is expected that district heating networks will be applied more often to accelerate the energy transition. Yun-Chao and Chen (2012) concluded that most optimization techniques optimize the whole system with its components. Less optimization techniques are applied to the sole components. Besides the fact that most optimization methods optimize the system as a whole, most optimization objectives only include optimizing the cost of the system. Also, effective optimization techniques are required as optimizing large graphs may be computationally time consuming [36]. In literature there are also clear signals that state that the trade-off between thermal comfort, and efficiency with respect to cost has to be tackled [53]. In this research, optimizing district heating networks for cost is compared to optimizing district heating to maximize thermal comfort or efficiency.

In this research two models are developed: a model that calculates the cost of the district heating network, and a model that calculates the thermal losses of the district heating network. Both models are applied to a district heating networks that is developed in a street network. Furthermore, multiple heuristics are applied to come up with better district heating networks. The optimization technique is tested on 100 small, randomly generated district heating networks. After that, the district heating network in Delft is optimized. The differences in cost, efficiency, etc. will be evaluated. Besides, the performances of the district heating networks are evaluated by introducing energy deficits under different conditions.

Optimizing the district heating networks for cost led to a very consistent result: When compared to their individual starting point, the district heating networks became cheaper and more efficient. A moderate-strong correlation is found between the the increase in efficiency and the decrease in cost while optimizing the district heating networks. In contrast to that, the networks that maximize efficiency are much more expensive than their cost optimized alternative, while the increase in efficiency is in most cases moderate. However, there are rare cases where the efficiency is increased much at a moderate increase in cost. This phenomenon is also found in Delft. Given the result that the efficient district heating network also performed much better than the cheapest alternative during energy deficits, in this research it is shown that choosing an objective function has a very large impact on the characteristics of the network. Therefore it is shown that for future district heating network optimization, it is important to trade off cost against efficiency.