Covid-19 and the workplace

An explorative study of employee experiences during abrupt workplace change

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In response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, access to office workplaces became more restricted, and employees were ushered to work from home. The current scientific literature does not fully address the link between abrupt change in the workplace and the impact of this on employees. More generally, research on the employee perspective and employee experiences is often not performed in the context of change in the workplace. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the experiences of abrupt change regarding the workplace due to Covid-19 in depth. It analyses the individual and organisational factors that help deal with this abrupt change. The study adds to research on gradual organisational change and contributes to knowledge about the added value of the office as a workplace, and employee perspectives on change processes.
Preliminary interviews give insight into the lived experiences of employees concerning the abrupt change process and experiences of working from home. Next, an embedded case study analyses employee expectations and preferences through semi-structured interviews. The research findings provide new insight into the abrupt change experience. The motivation and productivity of employees are harmed due to lack in variety of work activities and a monotonous way of interacting with colleagues, both formally and informally. Working from home resulted in a decline in informal interactions. The reduced contact resulted in a reduced feeling of involvement in the organisation. This is disadvantageous to the change process, as communication between the organisation and the individual help foster the transition during abrupt change. To improve the abrupt change experience, the study recommends a 5-step implementation plan for organisations. The process helps to better align employee preferences and expectations with organisational objectives. A more employee-oriented approach in workplace strategy creation is recommended. This would incorporate employee preferences in the process of change, to ensure employee wellbeing and enhance competitive advantage during abrupt change.