
Towards sustainable urban development for a socio-economically mixed neighbourhood and liveable Spangen, Tussendijken and Bospolder

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Improved liveability in the neighbourhoods Spangen, Tussendijken and Bospolder is desirable. A more socio-economically diverse population partly contributes to this. Gentrification makes wealthier residents move into the neighbourhoods in a short period of time. Yet, it causes a decrease in affordable housing and a chance of the disappearing of physical and social neighbourhood identity. Which means that current, less wealthy residents no longer feel attached to the place and that wealthier population groups want to settle in increasing numbers. This demonstrates unsustainable urban development by creating a re-segregated neighbourhood.

This thesis examines if and how urban design can contribute to a socially sustainable way of urban development for the improvement of liveability and the creation of a stable socio-economically diverse population with a preserved and reinforced neighbourhood identity. By research and design three important phases of the course of gentrification related to urban design are established. The urban approach to these phases forms the starting points for redesign: Stabilise the amount of social housing for socio-economically diverse inhabitants, create vibrant, liveable and stayable public spaces designed for slow traffic and preserve or reinforce the typical economic program of small-scale enterprises with affordable products. These are placed in current, upgraded axes with potential for liveliness and in developable public spaces with a reduced liveability. Fitted into current broken program routes and future urban development in the vicinity creating resilient urban design. The design is a hypothesis for improving social sustainability based on urban design. Because of this focus, much of the problem of (extreme) gentrification is left aside. Policy-making on urban renewal and responding to trends in housing requirements play a major role in these unsustainable urban developments.