Graphene squeeze-film microphone

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Within this research a nouvelle microphone design is posed, modelled and tested. The design consists of a cavity covered by a membrane and having a venting channel, it uses the squeeze-film effect in order to link pressure to the membranes resonance and by extension acoustics to the membranes resonance. In [1] the squeeze-film effect was first used in order to measure static pressures, an idea on which this research builds in order to use it to measure acoustic pressures and so create a new type of microphone.
The aim of this research is attaining a proof of concept and a preferably also model capable of accurately depicting the functionality of new designs. Proof of concept is given, as the first ever squeeze-film microphone is shown to functionally measure an acoustic chirp. Whether, the model created for and given in this research is truly capable of predicting a new designs functionality is as of yet unproven.

[1] R. Dolleman, Dynamics of interacting graphene membranes. PhD thesis, Technische universiteit Delft, 2018.