City-zen Urban Energy Transition Methodology

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Following the Paris Climate Agreements, all European cities must undergo a transition towards asustainable, net zero-carbon energy system. This is an unprecedented challenge that will require a lot of knowledge and methodological support.For the City-zen project, under the coordination and execution of TU Delft, chair of Climate Design & Sustainability, as task within City-zen (WP4, T2), the City-zen Urban Energy Transition Methodology (in short: City-zen Methodology) was developed and tested on various Roadshows (WP9, T3.2) and finally used for the Amsterdam Roadmap (WP4, T2 too). The Amsterdam energy transition roadmap was published in 2018.The essence of the City-zen Urban Energy Transition Methodology is as follows: based on extensive research into energy characteristics of the city, planned near-future developments, stakeholder analyses and future scenarios, a sustainable city vision can be elaborated, after which a roadmap with different energy transition paths can be defined.Such a roadmap was already made for the city of Amsterdam; this report uses maps and images of that study to exemplify steps taken in the City-zen Methodology.


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