Re-Hydrating Jaipur

Towards sustainable integrated urban water management for the region of Jaipur, India

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Climate change and its effect on water is an unavoidable phenomenon. However, the scarcity of this precious resource is not just due to changing natural patterns but a highly man made disaster. ‘Water use has been growing globally at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century, and an increasing number of regions are reaching the limit at which water services can be sustainably delivered, especially in arid regions’(UN Water).

Similar to this condition, the water system in Jaipur has central instabilities. With high level of dependence on a single source at the moment, high transmission loss, increasing water pollution and degradation of the ecosystems, the resilience to such loss is low. This condition has further worsened due to the changing precipitation patterns leading to less rainfall in the last decade and intensive heat which causes high evaporation. But, in order to meet the rising demand of the population and industries, changing land use both in urban and peri urban areas, has resulted in over exploitation of ground and surface water, the city is now facing a severe water crisis. Nearby water reserves have run dry and the seasonal river (Dhravyawati) which passes through the city is now used as a sewage drain, catering to all domestic and industrial waste due to lack of efficient governance and inadequacy in providing effective infrastructure for supply and treatment. The existing traditional water systems which has been the only practice of rainwater harvesting in the region are non-operational and insufficient to meet the demand of the growing population and industries. All these trends are interrelated and create a cause effect scenario, ultimately leading to conflicts and drought conditions. Therefore, the research addresses issues of both ‘water scarcity’ and ‘water security’ for the city.

In order to become resilient, there is a stronger need for communities to effectively manage water resources through conservation and reuse. Therefore, the project proposes a sustainable integrated multi scaler and multi-generational planning approach to water management strategy for the city of Jaipur, India, which has constantly been a victim of drought conditions. The aim of this graduation project can be categorized into two parts: the first half looks at the general goal to devise a sustainable strategy for integrated urban water management and urban planning for semi-arid zones, created by a hybrid system of centralized and de-centralized water management practices. Based on this knowledge, the main strategy proposes a toolbox of interventions in built form and landscape on different scales which can be applied across all cities. The second half is context specific, focusing on the region on Jaipur, India and how water sensitive spatial planning and design by using the toolbox can help to ensure a resilient urban environment. The research develops design proposals on multiples scales in a multi user setting, namely the regional, city and local, thus giving recommendations to regional and local authorities on developing a water sensitive city. As part of a long-term effort to this increasing shortage of water, it encourages greater conservation and management through spatial guidelines on the regional, urban and local scale where indigenous practices and green infrastructure become part of the contemporary system and solutions.