A process framework for the transition to circular urban area development of M4H

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In this research, a practical process framework is developed to facilitate the transition to circular urban area development (CUAD) of the MerweVierhavens (M4H). One of the five objectives of the Rotterdam Makers Districts is to become the pilot for the circular economy in the built environment of Rotterdam. M4H is an old harbour area that belongs to the Rotterdam Makers District. In previous research done by Team 1010, the potential circular flows for M4H have been analysed. The result was an overview of what is necessary for the transition to the circular economy of the built environment. However, no further steps have been taken so far. The transition to CUAD is rather complex, and the current urban area development process does not fit most circular strategies. This research, therefore, examines the process strategy needed to facilitate the transition to CUAD. Moreover, previous research has shown that the transition to CUAD requires a practical tool or framework. That is why, in this research, a practical process framework that facilitates the transition to CUAD, called the CUAD framework, is developed. The CUAD framework is based on the conditions for the transition to CUAD distinguished through the literature study and two case studies. The CUAD framework is tested through a pilot study conducted with stakeholders involved in the development of M4H. The CUAD framework can be applied to facilitate the complex and dynamic environment by developing areas with a CUAD vision, through short cycles and by incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives. The pilot study has indicated that the CUAD framework can indeed facilitate aspects of complex CUAD projects. However, the framework should be further developed. Nevertheless, this research has shown that CUAD is an ongoing learning process.