Liminality of space: reconnecting materiality and embodiment in the design of the swimming pool

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The director Andrei Tarkovsky once said, “The image is not a certain meaning, expressed by director, but an entire world reflected in a drop of water.” Different memories, experiences, and imaginary worlds influence perception. Therefore, interpretations of a drop of water can differ significantly. The project is a finite work, which left the space for its interpretation; experiencing liminality in various individual ways due to one’s movement through the building and the site. The presented research was focused on materiality (material culture) in connection to practice, time, and embodiment. An extensive survey about the Belgian Blue Limestone helped to understand the material prevailing in Belgium more. Then, the knowledge gained in the research was transformed into the project; incorporation of limestone building technique and spolias was to ensure the cultural continuity. The theme of the studio, spolia, has been introduced to the design on a few different levels that can be qualified in the tripartite division; re-use elements, recycled materials, and materials that are taking material from nature. Actor of water introduced to the project emphasises a passing time, reflects the space, atmospheres, thoughts; tectonics empowers the experiencing reconnecting materiality and embodiment.