Transformation of Campus South into a creative hub

Heritage and Architecture

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For this project, I pursued to transform an abandoned area into an attractive and functional environment for future use. The abandoned area, that was the subject of this studio, is called Hembrug and is located in the south of Zaandam and close to Amsterdam. This project is about the transformation of a specific part of the Hemburg terrain, an ensemble with six various buildings by the name of Campus South. In the future, the ensemble will work as a creative hub, which focuses on creating, exposing, and amusement. The program of all the buildings within the ensemble will fit into this theme. The Harderij, the building in the middle of the ensemble will have the biggest intervention. Besides the historical and cultural value, the architectural experience of the future users was of importance during the design process. This approach in architecture is called phenomenology, whereby a sensory perception of the human body is central in the design. I want to create historical consciousness by emphasizing the existing textures and materials by adding a contrasting volume and using natural floodlight. Routing, proportion, and sightlines were also of importance for this project.