Dispersive Gate Sensing of Hybrid Quantum Dot Systems

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Spin and topological-qubit based quantum computers require an easily scalable and highly sensitive method for readout and manipulation, for which Dispersive Gate Sensing (DGS) is a promising candidate [1, 2]. DGS enables sensing of single electron tunneling events in a mesoscopic system by measuring a reflected Radio Frequency (RF) signal from a resonator capacitively coupled to one of the system’s gate electrodes. From the resonator’s perspective, the system is modeled as an effective ‘parametric capacitance’ [3]. Motivated by its viability for qubit readout and control, we measure transport characteristics of a semiconducting-superconducting hybrid charge island system using this method. Doing so, we observe a spin degeneracy modulation of interdot tunnel couplings resulting from hybridization of a dot orbital with a subgap state of the superconductor, measured entirely within Coulomb blockade. Without DC measurement, we also track a subgap state’s energy via voltage intervals between island charge states as a function of field. Subsequently, we attempt to correlate changes in the resonator’s internal dissipation with coherence of tunneling into the superconducting island. In particular, we collapse a superconducting island’s lowest energy state to the Fermi level by applying a magnetic field. Contrary to expectations, internal dissipation in the resonator did not change dramatically with field, in fact decreasing at charge degeneracy points at all field strengths. We corroborate measurements with existing theory, augmented by simple analytical and numerical models demonstrating that coherence factors of superconducting quasiparticle states and the degeneracy of dot orbitals modulate parametric capacitance. A master equation model of finite temperature interdot tunneling is solved, agreeing with experimental evidence that Sisyphus dissipation is negligible when a dot orbital is hybridized with multiple independent quasiparticle states. To be employed in quantum computers, a full understanding of all phenomena contributing to a DGS signal in these hybrid systems is critical. Hence, these results mark a step towards unambiguous readout of Majorana parity in topological qubits [4].