Resilient Coastal Landscapes

Landscape architecture design explorations in the Pearl River Delta, Ningshao Plain, Mumbai and Bangkok through five MSc-graduation projects

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The Resilient Coastal Landscapes graduation lab explores the potential of a landscape-based regional design approach to contribute to more resilient coastal landscapes around the globe. Such an approach addresses the interaction between the natural and urban landscape throughout the scales of space and time. It takes the landscape as the basis for sustainable urban development and employs research through design as a strategy to explore the possibilities of landscape architecture principles for water sensitive design, nature-based solutions, heritage protection, and socio-ecological inclusive development. This landscape approach is transdisciplinary in nature and exploits the power of design to address the complex challenges of our times while connecting long-term strategies and short-term interventions. The projects presented here showcase the wide range of possibilities of the landscape-approach in nature conservation, reduce flood risks, promote sustainable urban transformation and achieve a symbiosis between nature and culture.