Potential Hydrogen Export Port in Río Negro

A Multi-Criteria Analysis on the Optimal Location for a Potential Hydrogen Export Port in the Province of Río Negro, Argentina

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Over the last years, the urge to reduce the world’s air pollutants is rapidly growing. New possibilities in order to replace fossil fuels have been explored and one of them is the usage of green hydrogen. The Argentinian, North Patagonian, province of Río Negro, has a great potential to generate green hydrogen on a large scale, due to the available natural resources. Therefore, the province is ambitious to contribute in the developing worldwide sustainable energy market by producing and exporting green hydrogen.
Argentina is located at a large distance from the expected green hydrogen sales market in Europe and Asia. In order to reach competitiveness with respect to other future hydrogen ports, the use of a Free-Trade Zone (FTZ) is considered. This is a delimited territory within a country in which tax benefits can be enjoyed. The Province of Río Negro is considering three different locations for a potential green hydrogen export port:

- Punta Colorada Muelle, is an old iron ore export port that is out of operation since 2016. It is located within a FTZ. The deteriorated dry bulk jetty could potentially be reused by accommodating the liquid bulk loading infrastructure.

- Punta Colorada South, is a location roughly one kilometre south of old iron ore export port and is also located within a FTZ.

- Puerto Lobos, is located on the border of the provinces of Río Negro and Chubut. It has potentially favourable bathymetric and hydrodynamic characteristics.

The following main research question is formed:
”Which location between Punta Colorada Muelle, Punta Colorada South and Puerto Lobos is the most suitable for a potential hydrogen export port in Río Negro?”
A conceptual qualitative Multi-Criteria Analysis is executed to compare the locations. In order to complete this analysis, firstly the hydrogen export port requirements and criteria are defined. Subsequently, primary and secondary data is collected. The primary data consists out of fieldwork surveys, including a topographic analysis, a hydraulic analysis and a structural analysis. The structural analysis is completed solely on the existing jetty at Punta Colorada Muelle, in order to create an understanding of the current state of the jetty. Furthermore, interviews are conducted with the director of the Maritime and Fluvial Research Center (CIEMF), the executive director of investment agency of the Government of Río Negro, and an ex-employee of the previous mining company at Punta Colorada Muelle. Secondary data on all locations is gathered through literature studies and presented documents from stakeholders.

With data from the field survey several detailed maps are made. A bathymetry map shows the sea bed profile from Punta Colorada Muelle until Punta Pórfido. A topographic map shows the ground level elevation for Punta Colorada Muelle. An interactive map of the jetty is made which contains all the gathered photographs of the structural components and indicates their level of corrosiveness. Next to that the stakeholders are displayed in a power-interest diagram.

Due to the limited information and the quality of the information that was gathered at Puerto Lobos no fair comparison between the locations can be made. Both locations at Punta Colorada have potential to construct a green hydrogen export port. The jetty at Punta Colorada Muelle has the potential to be used in the short-term if it is restored. Punta Colorada South has the advantage that potential future port operations will not depend on dated infrastructure. Next tot that there is no interference with the iron ore port authority. Puerto Lobos has the disadvantage that there is no FTZ and that is situated adjecent to a marine protected area.

To properly compare all three locations, bathymetric and aerial surveys that were completed at the Punta Colorada locations will need to be repeated at Puerto Lobos. To create a more definitive conclusion on any location, additional research like a CPT and an in depth analysis of the structural capacity of the jetty is required.

From the bathymetric surveys another potentially interesting location was found in Punto Pórfido. It is recommended this location is researched further.

Three alternative scenarios for phasing the port construction and operation are presented. These scenarios differ in permanent, temporary or no use of the current jetty at all.
