Challenges for offices' implementation of energy saving PropTech

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The goal of this research is to describe the drivers and barriers of stakeholders that result in the (non)implementation of NEST’s (New Energy Saving Technologies) in Dutch office real estate. The energy consumption in offices is determined and what NEST’s are available in the Netherlands. The fund manager, property manager, the tenant(s)/users and their relationships are researched resulting in an overview of their drivers and barriers. Next, the EFOPC’s (Energy Focussed PropTech Companies) are analysed and how they work together with the different stakeholder at the demand. Finally flowcharts are presented for each stakeholder to ensure the implementation of NEST’s. This explorative research makes use of twelve semistructured interviews at the demand and supply side to acquire in-depth understanding of their drivers and barriers. Next to saving energy, NEST’s provide MPB’s (Multiple Project Benefits) for multiple stakeholders. These hard to quantify benefits provide the basis for the necessary collaboration between stakeholders to successfully implement NEST’s.