Municipal Circular Land Tenders

How do they affect real estate developers?

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Many countries have committed themselves to the target for a circular economy (CE) in 2050. In this transition, the construction sector is important. One of the tools governments can use to stimulate circular building, is by incorporating circular tender criteria in land tendering. This thesis aims to improve circular land tendering requests by giving an insight in municipal land tendering goals and the translation of these goals in tender proposals. The current state of circularity in land tendering is studied by a case study of four cases. Subsequently, the findings from these cases are verified and refined in interviews with expert in the field of circular land tendering. This leads to two sets of recommendations: a land tender process and tender criteria.

The circular land tendering process consists of six steps:
- CE tender policy, where the available policy regarding circular land tendering must be studies
- Context, where the context must be studied
- Project goals, where three or four project goals must be defined, which are pursued in the tender. To stimulate circularity, this must be one of the core aims.
- Tender procedure, where the best procedure is selected, which must incorporate a dialogue
- Tender criteria, where tender goals are translated into awarding criteria, either quantitative or qualitative.
- Awarding & control: Where the contract is drawn up and enforced.
The step of tender criteria has been further explored, where criteria for circular material use and adaptive building are designed.