A Moveable Feast in Semarang

Designing an Urban Vending Network by Creating Conditions and Opportunities in Order to Facilitate and Manage Street Vending Activities

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Semarang is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia under the process of urbanisation, which threatens the underdeveloped capacity of the city. Street vendors booming is an evident phenomenon of urbanisation, it is a new way of urban living to survive in the urban capitalist growth circumstances. Being the majority of the informal sector, street vendors are highly resilient but they also bring environmental impacts to the city and other urban dwellers. The thesis is a process of design by research, research by design to explore urban landscape intervention that facilitate and manage street vendors with an incentive building approach for an inclusive future development.

The thesis is under the Shared Heritage Lab which explores the shared history between The Netherlands and Indonesia in terms of cultural and architectural heritage. It is also a cross disciplinary research between heritage architecture, architectural engineering, landscape architecture and urbanism, collaborated with Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Ergoed (RCE) of the Dutch municipality.