Improving distance learning with holograms

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Previous studies have found that there is a strong correlation between the social presence of a teacher and perceived performance of students, and that an increased cognitive load decreases the effectiveness in problem solving. The objective of this study was to find out to what extend holograms can be used to improve the social presence of the teacher and reduce the cognitive load within distance learning. This was done by recording a lecture and using that recording to represent the teacher in different ways: a zoom lecture with a small video of the teacher on the slides as a control group, slides with the head of the teacher on a telepresence robot, slides with the teacher on a holographic screen and a lecture in a VR environment. 22 participants filled in questionnaires about the social presence and cognitive load after attending one of the 4 lecture types. The small number of participants made it hard to find any significant differences between the lecture groups while using non-parametric tests but the medians hinted that the VR lecture improved the social presence of the teacher compared to the zoom lecture and the telepresence robot lecture reduced the cognitive load compared to the zoom lecture.